Mondeum Investment Group Limited, a Company registered in Saint Lucia as an International Business Company (IBC) under Section 6 of the St. Lucia International Business Companies Act Chapter 12:14, and is the holding company of Capital Markets Elite Group (Cayman).
Capital Markets Elite Group (Cayman), License Number 1671530, is authorised and licensed by the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority in accordance with Section 6(2) of the Securities Investment Business Law (2015 Revision) to carry on the business of a Broker Dealer and Securities Advisor. Registered Office: 89 Nexus Way, Camana Bay, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands KY1-9009.
Disclaimers: This website is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer of solicitation for brokerage services, investment advisory services, currency trading advice, commodities trading advice, or other products or services in any jurisdiction where we are not authorized to conduct investment business or where such offer or solicitation would be contrary to the securities laws, commodities laws, or other laws and regulations of that jurisdiction. The risk of loss in electronic trading in securities, currencies, or other commodities can be substantial, and you are advised to consult with your professional advisors before investing.
Capital Markets Elite Group does not accept securities for trading accounts for any "U.S. Persons" that it believes have been "solicited" by Capital Markets Elite Group within the meaning of Rule 15a-6(a)(1) of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. For a definition of "U.S. Person" and related information, click here.
Capital Markets Elite Group does not offer services to Canadian residents or to persons using a Canadian bank account or a credit card issued by a Canadian financial institution.
Capital Markets Elite Group is not registered as a securities broker-dealer under the laws of the United States of America. Under U.S. securities laws Capital Markets Elite Group may not accept customers that it believes to be "U.S. Persons" that have been "solicited" by Capital Markets Elite Group. Capital Markets Elite Group uses certain safeguards in an effort to assure that it does not accept any "U.S. Person" as a customer if that person would be considered to have been solicited by Capital Markets Elite Group as determined under U.S securities law.
For this purpose, "U.S. Person" has the meaning provided below. In order for a person who may be a "U.S. Person" to open an account with Capital Markets Elite Group, that person must complete a "Certification as to U.S. Person Status" in the form provided at this link. That certification requires that a potential U.S. Person certify that the potential customer EITHER is not a U.S. Person OR has not been solicited by Capital Markets Elite Group.
In any event, customers of Capital Markets Elite Group will not be protected by U.S. laws, regulations and supervisory structures applicable to broker-dealers registered in the U.S., and they should not expect such protections to apply.